So, I decided today's the day. I will take the boy shopping. For the first time in his life, he did not moan about being dragged shopping. He was actually excited. "Can we go right now, Mom? Let's go!" This from a child who hates shopping. Usually when I tell him we have some shopping to do he picks up the phone and calls Grandma and asks if he can go to her house while I shop. I was tres stoked. "Well, honey, I need some lunch and we have to wait for Dad to finish changing the oil in the car, then we can go." So we go out to see how Dad's doing on the oil change.
The goob tells Dad what we're planning to do. Dad laughs and they both start singing the lines from the Supersuckers song, "Your Mom Rules" about "summer's over, you need some school clothes, she's taking you to the mall..."
They start rocking so hard they decide they need to hear the song, so they come inside to get the mp3 player. They rock the song, singing along, serenading me, then decide it's time to get back to work.
And then... and then...
... hubby realizes he musta set the oil drain plug down somewhere. It's not in his pockets. It's not under the car. It's not on top of the car or sitting on the tire or anywhere to be found inside or outside the home or on the path between the car and house.
Thus, there is no way to keep the oil in the engine of the car, and we will not be shopping for school clothes. Unfortunately, we will also not be shopping for food, going to the bank, or many other things that were on the errand list.
It all happened because they were serenading me with "Your Mom Rules" and they actually believe that, and well, how cool is that?
P.S. Edited to add: It never showed up, despite much searching. I finally had to call my mom and ask her to take us to the car dealership to get a new one. The dealership is in a town about 30 miles away. We did a little shopping while we were there.