Sunday, August 14, 2005

School clothes?

School clothes? I'm supposed to go buy him school clothes? How did I forget this ritual that brought me such agony as a child? I didn't even think about it until my neighbor asked if we'd gone school shopping yet. Umm, no, not quite yet. I kinda forgot you're supposed to do that. I don't have a lot of experience as a mother of a school aged child, and I'm still refusing to believe that summer's almost over.

I don't want it to end. I want to frolick more. I want to stay up late and play. I want to sleep late and eat ice cream and splash in the pool. Please, don't let it end. Don't make my son and hubby go back to the classroom and leave me in charge of making lunches and providing adequate numbers of clean socks.

Does my little boy really need to spend six hours each day at school? Does it really take that long to learn what he needs to learn? Or are minutes stolen dealing with things like classroom management and discipline issues? I wish I had it in me to homeschool. A few hours of noses to the grindstone and a few hours of exploring and experimenting.

Alas, I am undisciplined and I don't know how to do it. He learned to read in kindergarten, and I am sure I would've had no clue how to teach him that. I would waste time and allow him to waste time and then I would panic and we'd butt heads and I'd be remorseful and painfully aware of my shortcomings.

So, I guess, compared to that, shopping for school clothes will be pretty painless.



Blogger Lesley said...

I was at library story time about a month ago, and there was a woman with her kindergarden/1st grade aged child. They had already bought school clothes (school hasn't even started yet) but she let her wear them. Then, proceeded to yell at and threaten the girl because she was going to ruin her school clothes. It was horrible to witness. I decided that school clothes are inherently sucky.


9:31 AM  

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