My poor friend Angela. She has IC, which is not to be confused with
this. Her IC is interstitial cystitis, which is not nearly as cool or delicious. It is exacerbated by just about anything one might like to eat or drink.
I will go without coffee and most of my favorite foods today, to see what it's like. To suffer alongside her. To feel the pain of a friend. Okay, maybe it's 'cuz we're out of milk and most food items and I don't want to fight the Super Bowl crowd at the grocery store, but I'll still be suffering. So when I'm stomping around the house saying, "Fug the SuperFreakingBowl!" it'll be said with not just boredom, but true anguish.
Life here is good. I've spent two days researching our next above ground pool purchase. Bigger! Better! More fun to be had! We've decided that this will be the Summer of Home. Instead of galavanting around, we'll stay home, play in the pool, garden more, and the goob will take some fun classes. Art, sports, music, whatever he chooses that falls within the budget.
Which reminds me, I keep thinking about getting a job. I have time. I don't want to clean our house or do our laundry and I do enough volunteering. So I find these part-time jobs in the paper and then I go, "Good Lord, what am I thinking? SUMMERS! I can't get a job! I need summers free to play with my family and do whatever the heck we want!" So, ummm, no job for me. No real job, anyway. I still do a few little contract jobs for clients. They send some cash my way and are kinda fun, except when I'm actually doing them. But as I'm intending to do them, and when I have finished doing them, they seem fun. Good enough!
And now, it is time to face the day. The sun is up. It's time.