Thursday, January 06, 2005

lead me not into temptation...

...for I can find it myself, as they say.

I was coming home from the DMV and for the first time in years noticed a donut shop a block ahead of me. And suddenly, out loud, I said to myself, "I'm gonna f'ing have a f'ing donut!" I go years between donuts. And out of the blue, it hit me. I got all giggly, pulled in, and got myself a giant f'ing donut. I came home, cranked The Waifs on the stereo, poured a giant glass of water, and ate the thing. Okay, it was seriously fun. I felt all silly. Now, of course, I feel like I've been eating concrete and I'm pretty sure I have a knot in my head from the sugar, but it was fun for about 17 minutes. Damn, I'm getting so impulsive in my old age. WooHoo!

Also went to lunch with a friend at the Madonna Inn in the Copper Cafe. It is, ya know, where the fogies dine. And I am now a fogey, having recently passed my 40th birthday. I considered donning some polyester for my lunch expedition, but I had no orthopedic shoes to match, so I stuck with my normal "whatever's not in desperate need of washing" attire. I had an egg-salad sandwich. It dribbled. I was youngest among the "ladies who lunch" crowd in the place, yet the only one dribbling food. Sigh. Next time I will order something tidier, since, well, ya know, I'll be even older next time.

BTW, I just used the Blogger spellcheck for the first time. It does not recognize donut, giggly, fogey, or spellcheck.


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